Hi! Some buyers often search for cool and creative Beauty Wellness Yoga Health Spa Cosmetics Natural logo design and other business like nutrition feminine fitness fashion holistic meditation salon medical clinic dental hospital healthcare makeup parlor minimalist logo and I offer my service for those businesses.Following are the three packages where you can get
Basic Beauty Wellness Yoga Health Spa Cosmetics Natural logo
- 1 primary concept design
- Web and print version color (RGB and CMYK)
- 3D mockup
- .jpg and .png transparent file.
Standard Beauty Wellness Yoga Health Spa Cosmetics Natural logo
- 2 primary concepts designs
- Attractive font
- Web and print version color (RGB and CMYK)
- 3D mockup
- .jpg and .png transparent file and .ai source file and .eps vector file.
Premium Beauty Wellness Yoga Health Spa Cosmetics Natural logo
- 3 Business quality concepts designs
- Modern looking font
- Web and print version color (RGB and CMYK)
- 3D mockup
- Stationery Design
- .jpg and .png transparent file and .ai source file and .eps vector file.
- vip support.
Please inform me, if you are looking for something extra design except Beauty Wellness Yoga Health Spa Cosmetics Natural logo.

Seller's Response:
Very nice and professional work. Love it. I would recommend you for our next upcoming project. Thank you very much.
Seller's Response:Great! Thank you very much. I like it.
Seller's Response:Fast and good job
:Nice logo and fast work
:Great! Thank you very much. I like it.

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