If you want to become a personal brand a signature logo is the best way to go!While still professional, signature or typographic logos give the extra personal touch for a brand that wants to engage with its audience.
You can even have a brand identity with a manual, business cards and even website brand design.
What's the process?
Let me know what you do and what style do you want. Is it casual and fun? Feminine and flirty? Modern and risky?
I will send you 2 or 3 concepts to start, you can choose which one you like best and we keep working until you have a design you love and that shows who you are.
- Minimalistic, personal and functional design.
- Satisfaction guaranteed! We can work our way to the perfect personal logo for you.
- Want more? Let me know if you need stationary, social media design or strategy, web design. I can help you develop your personal brand.
See more of my work here: https://www.behance.net/crissarauj6326 (copy and paste in your browser)
Hope to work with you soon!

Seller's Response:
Cristine is the best at graphics of anyone I know!
Seller's Response:The best in the design business! You will not regret working with Cristina!
:The best provider on Fiverr when it comes to brand design and creativity! Always a pleasure
:Cristinaaraujo did a fantastic job on my logo and I would definitely recommend using her for your branding & logo needs! There was an overwhelming number of sellers on Fiverr to choose from for my logo design, and I based my decision on her many 5-star reviews (which are right on the money & accurate), as well as her credentials listed in her profile. Thank you again for your hard work and talent in delivering just what I needed!
:Thank you so much for your kind review, I'm so glad you're happy with your logo!

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