hi,I am professional graphic designer and if you are for a truly handwritten signature logo for your company., then look no further with this gig you will only receive concepts of elegant and quality logo design.I will personally craft and carefully plan a concepts which perfectly represent your branding.
What you will get me form me:
100 %original and professional designs
Vector File
We provide unlimited revisions
Friendly customer service
Unique and creative Design
Transparent file PNG
Order Now and get your work done with PERFECTION.

The seller was able to take my vision and bring it to life with great precision. Couldn't have asked for more; very reliable and efficient work.
:From the start she delivered exactly what i wanted and visioned, I couldn't decide and she worked patiently with me as I choose the final design. She was very fast with responses and turnaround times!!
:Seller gets high marks for fast delivery of my logo requests and for communication. You won't go wrong if you go with rumidesigns. Seller is top notch!
:Very fast !! Rumi was answering all my questions in a short period of time plus in less than 24h I had my logo ready, Thank you!
:Rumi Designs is always quickly responsive and understands what I want very easily. The logos she has made are all very professional and beautiful artistically.

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